Monday, May 4, 2009

Readers, will you please read this article and tell me what you think?

taken from Jill Stanek
May 4, 2009
Psychological warfare: Students complain about "abortion plane"

I've been writing quite a bit about the Center for Bio-Ethical Reform Midwest's "abortion plane," as Wonkette called it. I requested donations for this important pro-life work over the weekend. (Thanks to all who donated. Please give now if you haven't.)

Received this email from Gregg Cunningham, head of CBR:

nd church photo.jpg

This is very much a psychological warfare tactic. The students are now complaining in large numbers that they can hear the plane inside their classrooms and it bothers them.

Planes fly over Notre Dame all the time and they have never before bothered these students. What is happening now is that when any plane flies over, it is suddenly audible at a new level. They fear that it is not just some plane, but THE plane.

Now instead of picturing a generic plane, they picture "that f***ing" plane, as so many messages call it. Now the sound of the engine forces them to see an aborted baby in their minds eye and it deeply stresses them. This is the first pro-life project from which they could not totally shield themselves. It reaches them wherever they try to hide....

This project isn't just about teaching ND a lesson. It is about signaling to every other Catholic college that if you invite this serial killer to speak on your campus, you are going to be inviting an intolerable level of disruption. It is about signaling to the White House that if they try to pull this stunt again with any other Catholic college, we are going to be there to embarrass the president by relentlessly, remorselessly hammering the administration, faculty and student body at that school.

FYI, this is finals week. Everyone is in class. I've received word the plane will fly 6 hours instead of the usual 3 each of the next 2 days.

What do you think about this? Is it wrong? Is it good? Is there a better way? Should we not say anything or stand up? Pam


Beth in NC said...

I don't know how I feel about it. The comment, "This project isn't just about teaching ND a lesson. It is about signaling to every other Catholic college that if you invite this serial killer to speak on your campus, you are going to be inviting an intolerable level of disruption. It is about signaling to the White House that if they try to pull this stunt again with any other Catholic college, we are going to be there to embarrass the president by relentlessly, remorselessly hammering the administration, faculty and student body at that school" just seems so threatening -- definitely not walking in love.

Though I agree with WHY they are doing it ...

I just don't know.

Pam said...

Thanks Beth, it does give you mixed feelings. I really want to know what people think. I can understand what you are saying, it doesn't sound like love, and the motives seem to be off. But then on the other hand, how much is enough with killing unborn babies? It is getting ridiculous and can drive you to serious anger. What are we to do as Pro Life people when 4000 babies lives are at stake every day? What do we do??

LisaShaw said...

Hi Pam

I do not agree with Notre D. inviting President Obama especially to the degree of giving him an honorary degree. He is pro-choice and they are a pro-life catholic school.

I'm a Christian and I don't invite the devil to dine with me.

While some may feel the airplane overhead for 6 hours is tedious I suppose they feel this is the way they can be HEARD.

We live in times when the voice of what is Anti-God seems to be shouting and the voice of what is FOR GOD seems to be quieted and as such they probably feel that this is a way for them to be heard.

I'm not certain if I would have taken this tactic however I am not against it either. I think EACH PERSON/GROUP has to do what they feel led to do. Same in every circumstance. There are some that feel I should speak out more on my blogs for certain subject matter BUT they do NOT know the subjects that I DAILY minister online to people via Email and via telephone via my Ministry and the difficult topics I cover. Just because I do not write about it on my blogs. So my point is that we ALL have to do what God is calling us to do and unapologetically do it!

Perhaps that how they feel about flying their plane overhead.

God bless you!

Pam said...

Thank you Lisa for your insight. I agree that he should have never been invited, because his morals and views do not line up with the college. It is hard to figure out what to do so people will wake up. Do we back down and be quiet? Do we say nothing? It is a difficult battle with many casualties involved. And Lisa, I believe you are a true blessing to many and doing exactly as God wants you to. Although I would like you to turn your blog into one like mine!!:) Love you!